
Safety Steps a safe conveyor cross over

Dicar Safety Steps is a product for traditional conveyer belts, driven and non driven. Dicar Safety Steps are easy in use and custom made to your conveyor belt. The Dicar Safety Steps can be used for a more safe cross-over, for maintenance use to put on stairs or other tools. Dicar Safety Steps can be kept in the conveyer belt as the profiles are 3mm lower than the top of the conveyor. Please check the Video below. If you want more information, please fill-in the form and send it to

10Dicar safety Steps can be used for a saver cross-over at the driven or non driven conveyer belts.


Dicar Safety Steps video:
SafetySteps Conveyor Crossing by from Dicar BV on Vimeo.

Dicar Safety StepsDicar Safety Steps

For the exact size of the profiles we need you to take a measurement of the conveyor we need lengt, quantity, diameter of rolls and the hart distance between the rolls.

Click here to open the form for download:

2020 Questionaire


Dicar Safety Steps


Dicar Safety Steps

Logimat 2018In February 2018 we were at the Logimat in Frankfurt and showed this product.








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